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Rubber is my latest student project, completed in collaboration with the Techreft team, consisting of 8 members, over a span of 9 months. It stands as my most significant project to date, showcasing the culmination of my efforts.


Feel free to explore the areas I worked on.                                                                                                                        


Environment Art

The creation of th map was the main focus the entire project so the environement art and level art eveolved very much since the begining, the goal was to create a big futuristic city that can render as fast as the player drives. For that we created various districts with each color / ambiance intension and specific props 

First, I created a blockout based on the references I have to project myself into the composition that I will create in accordance with the game navigation and the lore of the game. Then, I build the environment with modules, and when I reach a satisfying result, I start adding props to create the narrative. I iterate until I obtain a polished result.

The ads, holograms, props, and vehicles played a significant role in guiding the player through the level. The primary challenge was to achieve diversity using a limited number of modular building assets and props.

i also created the baguining of the game at first it was for tutorials purpose but it finaly serves storytelling and rythm purpose to create the "wow effect" a the start of the game 



Vehicle Development

As a programmer I programmed half of the missions in the game from quest designing to programing and QA

but i also programmed and crafted the entire driving experience :


3D Modeling

In this project I modeled a variety of mesh from the main character, the rubber taxi to city pro

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