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Jeanne la Faussaire 2021

Jeanne la faussaire serious mobile game project for second year at the ESMA.

Made with Emma Cieutat who was in charge of the art in the game 

During the production I was in charge of the coding and most of integration in Unity

I also did 3D Modelling,Tech Art, Environment Art

 Level Design and VFX

In this game I made myself a crafting system that lets the player chose what resources he wants to make so he can create coins of differents values. 

The player is able to navigate through the level and to loot objects that serves as resources to craft coins.

I also coded an inventory system and managed all the loading scenes and the cinematics for the learning side of this serious game. 

The biggest challenge was to create the camera controller for android. It was the script that took me the longest time to write and optimize during the whole project.

With this project I learnt a lot about Unity and optimization, it also provided me confidence to work with Unity. From now on, I will make all my little projects like game jams projects with Unity, with such speed of use and fast rendering.

This project also brought me a lot more knowledge about C#, since this project I feel like I can do more or less what I want with C# and Unity.

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